1. Exhibitors must ensure they are adequately insured. Copies of Public liability certificates must be returned with the booking form.
2. No vendor may sublet any part of the stall.
3. Single Day/Part bookings will not be accepted.
4. Exhibitors must adhere to the trading times and must be staffed, stocked and trading and open to the public during the advertised hours – Street Food Traders must be open 10am-8pm Saturday, 10am-7pm Sunday.

5. There is a speed limit below 5mph, which must be observed at all times around the site. No vehicle movements whatsoever allowed on site from one hour before opening and one hour after closing time. Organisers reserve the right to extend this ban if the site is too busy.
6. No generators will be allowed on site whatsoever as electricity will be supplied for stalls that have booked this service.
7. All electrical equipment must be PAT tested.
8. The failure of an exhibitor to trade at any time when the festival is open (with no good reason) will result in exclusion from future festivals.
9. Exhibitors must regularly clear all rubbish and debris from the vicinity of their stalls. This must be disposed of in the festival waste areas and not any public bins. Failure of an exhibitor to leave their stall in the same state in which they found it will result in the exhibitor not being invited to future events. Please respect the environment.
10. No exhibitor shall be allowed to call attention to goods or services or use any equipment to cause annoyance. Selling of goods by auction is strictly prohibited.
11. It is the responsibility of the exhibitors to safeguard their property. While we will have security, the festival organisers do not accept any responsibility whatsoever for any losses.
12. Any exhibitor who cancels a booked stall, for whatever reason, shall forfeit all fees paid and the festival organisers shall reserve the right to re-let such stalls.
13. No refunds will be given due to bad weather or ground conditions unless the event is cancelled.
14. I agree to meet payments prior to agreed dates and I understand that deposits are non-refundable unless the event is cancelled.
15. Exhibitors are to display their name and address in a size and style that can be easily seen by the public. Exhibitors are to display at all times the price of goods being sold.
16. A 65% refund will be made if the festival cannot take place for any reason beyond the control of the organiser (a 100% refund will be made if the event is cancelled due to COVID-19 – See COVID-19 policy for details)
17. Trader deposits are fully transferable and refundable in the case of cancellation due to COVID-19
18. Only products as agreed by the organisers must be sold from within your stall, any trader selling products that have not been agreed may be asked to leave if products are not removed with immediate effect. No stall refund will be given in these circumstances.
19. No alcohol must be served from stalls unless agreed by the organisers. Alcohol must not be served for on-site consumption unless you have been agreed as an approved bar operator by the food festival organisers. Any stallholder found selling alcohol unless previously agreed will be asked to leave site with immediate effect and no stall fees will be refunded.
20. Fed Enterprise will not accept responsibility for any gazebos or stalls hired, owned or borrowed, while under the operation of traders.
21. Any traders found being rude to staff, for any reason will not be permitted to trade. No refund will be given.
22. Alcohol traders must submit a copy of their personal licence and display ‘Challenge 25’ posters on their stall during trading hours.
23. Traders that leave early due to selling out or otherwise will not be accepted to any future events held by Fed Enterprise. Traders must leave their stall set up, as to not negatively impact on other traders and the aesthetics of the environment.
24. Traders and exhibitors are not permitted to bring moving vehicles onto the site during public operating hours.